Tibetmuseum opent in Emmen
23 September zal om 14:00 uur de officiële opening plaatsvinden van het “Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art” in Emmen.
Iedereen is welkom.
Het Museum voor Hedendaagse Tibetaanse Kunst is een initiatief van Tashi Norbu, een Tibetaanse kunstenaar die al jaren in Nederland woont en werkt.
The Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art in Emmen, Holland: Official opening at the 23th of September 2017 at 14:00 o’clock.
Showing, displaying, preserving, and promoting the Artistic, Cultural and Historical matters of Tibetan Art, coming from the roof of the world, to embrace the West. Tashi Norbu’s, Marjanne Timmerman’s and Team’s aim, this Museum to be the cradle of Tibetan Art; and this is everyone’s Museum with a continuing activity, projects and displays.

Tashi Norbu is an independent -Tibetan born- contemporary artist with the Belgian citizenship and who lives and works in The Netherlands. He is educated as a traditional Tibetan thangka painter at the offices of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India. He completed his art studies in the western world at the Saint Lucas Academy of Visual Arts in Ghent, Belgium.
In the mean time, Tashi Norbu, has developed into an allround and versatile contemporary artist. His art, however, still shows the fundamentals/basics of his background – Tibet and Buddhism – combined with strong influences from western art forms, western ideas and modern time’s icons.